I was just enjoying a beautiful glazed donut this morning when I found out something interesting. Did you know that National Donut Day is the first Friday of June? I didn’t until I heard about it on the news. The story got me thinking about what we do to support National Donut Day, I mean above and beyond the eating of them. I was reminded, by one of our customers Dunkin Donuts®, about how much we actually helped their business.
You see, we’ve treated the floors in several and they are thrilled with the resultant increase in safety for both employees and customers. But that is what our business is all about. Making both homes and businesses safer places to work and live.
We help many businesses and consumers create safe slip free floors so we all can enjoy more donuts.
Happy National Donut Day…

“Before the floor was treated my employees were slipping on spills that would occur during the normal course of the day. I am happy to say we have not had any slip/fall accidents in the six months since. I am highly satisfied with the increased safety for our customers and employees and would recommend treatment to any business that is concerned with the safety of customers and staff.”
Call Posigrip® 480-748-3935
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